Under 16 Inter Zonal (2 Days) Practice Matches 2014-15.
West Zone | North Zone | South Zone | Central Zone |
Date | Team | Venue | Umpires | Scorer | Score |
18.05.1519.05.15 | WestNorth |
Melaghar |
Farukul IslamSuman Majimder | Bapan Das | Day1Day2 |
20.05.1521.05.15 | SouthCentral |
Melaghat |
Partha SahaMalay Hossan | Abhijit Das | Day1Day2 |
23.05.1524.05.15 | SouthNorth |
Melaghar |
Shubhendu BhattacharjeeRajib Sharma | Babul Choudhury | Day1Day2 |
25.05.1526.05.15 | WestCentral |
Melaghar |
Satyajit MajumderMalay Hossain | Bapan Das | Day1Day2 |
28.05.1529.05.15 | NorthCentral |
Melaghar |
Samir BiswasSankar Paul | Diptanu Bardhan | Day1Day2 |
30.05.1531.05.15 | WestSouth |
Melaghar |
Sushanta ChakrabortySukhendu Chakraborty | Bapan Das | Day1Day2 |
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